christian janson

Bild: Katrin Binner

I am an Athene Young Investigator in Cryptography and Information Security affiliated to the Cryptoplexity team led by Marc Fischlin at Technische Universität Darmstadt in which I have been a Postdoc before as well.
Prior to this I was a Ph.D. student in the Information Security Group at Royal Holloway, University of London under the supervision of Carlos Cid. It all began at Universität Bremen where I studied mathematics and completed my diploma in the AlZAGK group under the supervision of Michael Hortmann.

I am a member of the IACR and my Erdös number is 3.

research interests

My main (current) research interests are:

  • verifiable outsourced computations

  • key exchange

  • secure channels

  • authenticated encryption

  • signature schemes

  • leakage-resilient cryptography


24.10.2022: I have been invited to serve on the PC for SSR 2023.

13.07.2022: Our paper Sponge-based Authenticated Encryption: Security against Quantum Attacks (joint work with Patrick Struck) has been accepted to PQCrypto 2022.

08.12.2021: Our paper Post-quantum asynchronous deniable key exchange and the Signal handshake (joint work with Jacqueline Brendel, Rune Fiedler, Felix Günther, and Douglas Stebila) has been accepted to PKC 2022.

academic career and education

since April 2021: Athene Young Investigator in the Cryptoplexity team, Technische Universität Darmstadt

2017-2021: Postdoctoral researcher in the Cryptoplexity team, Technische Universität Darmstadt

2012-2016: Ph.D. in Information Security, Royal Holloway, University of London

2006-2012: Diploma in mathematics, Universität Bremen

professional activities

2022: Security Standardisation Research Conference Program Co-Chair

May 2019: Eurocrypt 2019 Workshop General Co-Chair

since March 2017: member of examining board (Prüfungskommission) in the computer science department

peer reviewing

Scientific Conferences

2022: Eurocrypt

2021: Eurocrypt, Crypto, iPAT

2020: PKC, Crypto, iPAT

2019: PKC, Crypto, Asiacrypt, IMA CC, iPAT

2018: Financial Cryptography, PKC, CT-RSA, Crypto, CCS, iPAT, Asiacrypt


2016: CT-RSA


2014: SAC


2021: Journal of Cryptology, Transactions on Information Forensics and Security

2017: Journal of Designs, Codes and Cryptography

2016: Journal of Designs, Codes and Cryptography, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security

programm committee

2022: SSR

2021: iPAT, SAC

2020: iPAT

2019: IMA CC, iPAT

2018: iPAT


2018: Best Teaching Award for Lecture Real World Crypto, TU Darmstadt, summer term 2017 (teaching assistant)

research visits

January 2019: UCSD, San Diego, USA - Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering

Host: Dr. Felix Günther

September 2017: NTNU Trondheim, Trondheim, NO - Dep. of Information Security and Communication Technology

Host: Prof. Colin Boyd & Dr. Gareth T. Davies

August 2015: Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, GER - Dependable Systems Engineering

Host: Prof. Dr. Frederik Armknecht

Mai 2015: Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, GER - Dependable Systems Engineering

Host: Prof. Dr. Frederik Armknecht


In case you wish to write a Bachelor/Master thesis with me then please contact me via email.


R. F. (Nov 2019 - May 2020) - Stronger Security Notions for Post-Quantum Signature Schemes

O. K. (Dec 2019 - Dec 2020) - Formale Verifikation von Bluetooth


T. D. (Sep 2021 - Jan 2022) - How to designate a verifier in designated-verifier siganture schemes

S. A. (Dec 2020 - May 2021) - Modifikation eines Schlüsselaustauschprotokolls und CrySL-Rules für CogniCrypt

R. K. (Nov 2020 - Mar 2021) - Analyse der Authentifizierungsmethode der VDV Kernapplikation

F.B. (May - Sep 2020) - Security of the FIDO2 Standard

T. K. (May - July 2019) - Sicherheit des USB-Typ-C Authentifizierungsprotokolls

J.-P. M. (Apr - Jul 2019) - Analysis of the Current State of Non Memory-hard Password-based Cryptographic Primitives